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Friday, 18 June 2021

Has your appetite increased or are you now craving specific foods? There are particular hormonal challenges for men and women when they reach this age group and some of them effect eating habits and weight gain. The Takeaway Knowing more about your hunger type can help you be aware of when cravings will strike, making you less prone to overeat. Start noticing the signs! ******************* Lowri Turner is a popular TV personality, radio broadcaster and consumer journalist in the UK. She is also a qualified nutritionist and hypnotherapist and currently writes on health and lifestyle for magazines including Top Santé and Women's Fitness. She is the resident nutritionist for Mother & Baby magazine. Lowri sees private clients at two clinics specializing in women's health and weight loss. She is also author of The Serotonin Revolution from Nourish. Photo by pandoraofthepillow

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* Treats Diabetes Mellitus Okra's seeds and peel can lower blood glucose levels, making it useful in treating diabetes mellitus. Turkish people have long been consuming an infusion of roasted okra seeds to manage diabetes mellitus. It does so by preventing the carb-breaking enzymes and increasing sensitivity to insulin, plus making sure there are enough insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Less breakdown of carbs to glucose and more insulin means lower blood sugar. * Helps stabilize your cholesterol The more finely ground is your okra powder, the better it can absorb cholesterol. Okra helps promote cholesterol degradation and inhibits production of fat in the body. It lowers total cholesterol and the number of triglycerides and increases excretion of bile acids – the ones that come from cholesterol. Managing cholesterol in the blood, okra can prevent the clogging of arteries and the development of heart disease. * Increases Immunity and Improves Eyesight Okra has moderate levels of Vitamin A. Vitamin A helps in the production of white blood cells which are key players in the body's immune system.

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So keep an eye on the sweets, sodas, breads, and all those so-called low-fat foods that may be making you fatter. Watch Your Emotions Excessive and persistent stress, anger, depression, hostility, and worry can cause low-grade inflammation. "Overall, try to lead an anti-inflammatory life, " Dr. Sinha advises. "You'll reduce your risk for heart disease, as well as a growing list of other conditions, such as cancer and Alzheimer's disease. "